Valérie Pécresse, Présidente de la Région Île-de-France, s'est engagée ce jour à signer dès cette année avec l'Etat le...
Présentation du colloque : Nouveaux enjeux prospectifs des territoires et co-construction des stratégies
Directed by Nicholas de Pencier, Nicholas de Pencier. With Ron Deibert, Felipe Altenfeldor, Wjd Dhnie, Jon Karlung. A look at the global impact the internet has on free speech, privacy and activism.
When it said 5 per cent of banned slurp app users were kids, it actually meant much, much more than that
Google reviewed the app — called Absher — and ruled that it does not violate any agreements, and therefore will remain on Google Play.
This is Niche Culture. In this column, we regularly cover anime, geek culture, and things related to video games. Please leave feedback and let us know if there’s something you want us to cover! The Chinese government have opened the Online Games Ethics Committee; which has wasted no time in banning nine games and recommending …
In the Chaoyang district of Beijing, there are allegedly 120,000 spies, each paid 300 yuan a month.
Criticizing the government, not cleaning up after your dog, eating junk food, and playing video games are among the "bad behaviors" China is targeting.
These people had become "discredited" for unspecified behavioral crimes