The Times said it was easy to track and identify people in secure government sites and learn things about their lives, posing a huge security threat.
Alors que la reconnaissance faciale s'immisce dans la société, la CNIL n'entend pas laisser ce sujet lui échapper. En prévision du débat qui aura lieu, l'autorité détaille ses exigences. Si elle n'exclut pas d'emblée cette technologie, elle privilégie un encadrement strict et un usage minimal.
This gait recognition software can't be fooled, claims its creator.
"The White House is calling for reauthorization of a program that security agencies have used to spy on innocent people, violate their privacy, and chill free speech."
The U.S. military is using balloons to monitor activity in the Midwest. The 25 solar-powered balloons are reportedly being launched from South Dakota and used to monitor portions of Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, and Wisconsin. They're also capable of tracking multiple individuals or vehicles during the day or night
Chinese authorities are secretly installing their anti-Uyghur surveillance app on the phones of tourists to Xinjiang province
[Enquête Numerama] Les violences conjugales s'accompagnent très souvent de cyberviolences. Elles peuvent prendre des formes si diverses qu'elles sont difficiles à repérer pour les victimes. Notre enquête auprès de Françaises montre combien elles deviennent tristement banales.
A sad and sadly inevitable use of technology
C'est Angela Merkel qui le dit dans la presse allemande. La chancelière fait le bilan, à 11 jours des Européennes. Il y a du bon, mais elle parle aussi d'une relation conflictuelle avec le président français
Techie says he was grilled for three hours after refusing to let agents search his devices
When it said 5 per cent of banned slurp app users were kids, it actually meant much, much more than that