he same features as Mozilla Backpack, plus more. Badgr gives users complete control over their achievements and data, so they c
Des dizaines de millions de patients font transiter par la plateforme des informations hautement sensibles : l'historique de leur rendez-vous avec des praticiens, parfois le motif de leur consultation et même des ordonnances après des téléconsultations.
Actors of public interest today have to fear the adverse impact that stems from social media platforms. Any controversial behavior may promptly trigger temporal, but potentially devastating storms of emotional and aggressive outrage, so called online firestorms. Popular targets of online firestorms are companies, politicians, celebrities, media, academics and many more. This article introduces social norm theory to understand online aggression in a social-political online setting, challenging the popular assumption that online anonymity is one of the principle factors that promotes aggression. We underpin this social norm view by analyzing a major social media platform concerned with public affairs over a period of three years entailing 532,197 comments on 1,612 online petitions. Results show that in the context of online firestorms, non-anonymous individuals are more aggressive compared to anonymous individuals. This effect is reinforced if selective incentives are present and if aggressors are intrinsically motivated.
L’observatoire - Comprendre les comportements et usages liés au numérique
De nombreux élus et personnalités publiques appellent depuis deux jours à plus de sévérité pour les atteintes à l’intimité sur Internet. La loi française prévoit pourtant déjà des sanctions très dures
We present our website’s energy and uptime data, calculate the embodied energy of our configuration, consider the optimal balance between sustainability and server uptime, and outline possible improvements.
L’affaire Griveaux, loin d’être anecdotique, est importante à bien des égards, et notamment de par les réactions qu’elle suscite. Entre autres choses, ces réactions révèlent – ou plutôt révei…
Microphones and cameras lurk everywhere. You may want to slip on some privacy armor.